Smart Irrigation:
The Key to Water Conservation in San Antonio

San Antonio's unique climate demands smart water management. Smart irrigation systems are the solution, using innovative technology to keep your landscape beautiful while protecting our precious water resources.

How Smart Irrigation Systems Maximize Water Efficiency

  • Pressure-Regulating Spray Heads: Brands like Rain Bird and Hunter offer spray heads that maintain consistent pressure. This ensures equalized water distribution, prevents water-wasting, misting, and fogging, and extends the life of your system. As Rain Bird claims, their "built-in PRS regulator maintains optimal operating pressure and restricts water loss by up to 70% if a nozzle is removed or damaged, eliminating misting and fogging caused by high pressure."

  • MP Rotator Nozzles: These nozzles deliver water in multiple, slower streams, mimicking natural rainfall. This allows the soil to absorb water more deeply, reducing runoff and saving water. For example, Hunter Industries' MP Rotator nozzles are designed to deliver water with exceptional uniformity, reducing waste by up to 30% compared to traditional spray heads.

  • Flow Meters and Master Valves: This powerful combination actively monitors your system. Flow meters detect leaks instantly, while master valves can automatically shut off your entire system in case of a problem, preventing major water loss.

Beyond the Technology: Your Smart Irrigation Advantage

  • Save Money: Water efficiency lowers your water bills.

  • Conserve Water: Do your part to protect San Antonio's future water supply.

  • Healthier Landscaping: Precise watering creates ideal conditions for plants to thrive.

  • Convenient Control: Many systems offer smartphone/computer control for easy adjustments.

The Choice for a Sustainable San Antonio

Imagine the water savings if homes and businesses across San Antonio used smart irrigation! Let's work together to optimize water use and protect our community's resources. Contact us to learn how smart irrigation can benefit your property.