San Antonio's Water Restrictions:
Your Guide to a Beautiful Landscape
While Conserving Water

Why Water Restrictions Matter in San Antonio

With our arid climate, wise water use is essential! Water restrictions, established by the San Antonio Water System (SAWS), promote sustainable water management and ensure our resources last for future generations.

Current Watering Stage

San Antonio is currently under stage 2 watering restrictions.

Stage 2 Watering Schedule: What You Need to Know

  • Days: Watering with sprinklers or irrigation systems is allowed ONLY on your designated day, based on the last number of your street address:

    • 0 or 1: Monday

    • 2 or 3: Tuesday

    • 4 or 5: Wednesday

    • 6 or 7: Thursday

    • 8 or 9: Friday

  • Times: Watering is permitted ONLY between 7-11 AM and 7-11 PM.

  • No Watering: Weekends (Saturday and Sunday)

Additional Considerations

  • Hand-watering with a hose or using drip irrigation/soaker hoses is allowed any day during permitted hours (7-11 AM and 7-11 PM), but these methods can be time-consuming.

  • Tailored watering schedules can help ensure you irrigate efficiently within these restrictions.

Focus on Your Landscape's Needs

  • Beyond Restrictions: Understanding your landscape's unique needs is crucial for maximizing water efficiency. Factors like plant types, soil conditions, and sun exposure all play a role in determining proper watering.

  • Long-Term Health: An optimized watering schedule promotes healthier lawns and plants, which are more resilient and require less water overall.

FAQs About Water Restrictions

  • Where can I find the most up-to-date water restrictions? The SAWS website is the best source for accurate and current information. Learn more about SAWS Water Restrictions for all stages

  • What happens if I violate water restrictions? SAWS may issue warnings and fines for repeated offenses.

  • How can I still have a beautiful landscape with restrictions? Choosing native plants, utilizing efficient irrigation, and following a tailored watering schedule all contribute to a thriving landscape while adhering to restrictions.

How Irrigation Professionals Help

True irrigation professionals comprehensively understand precipitation rates, hydraulics, soil absorption, and water restrictions. This allows them to create and optimize your irrigation system's schedule for best watering practices.

Let Us Help You Manage Your Watering Wisely

Arcadian Irrigation and Landscapes supports you in achieving a beautiful and water-efficient landscape. Contact us today for watering schedules, irrigation system maintenance, and landscape design consultations.